Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to Waste Less and Save #3

#3 - It may sound counter-intuitive to shop more often, but by making frequent trips to the supermarket you can buy smaller quantities and prevent spoilage.  If you don't want to add another errand to your to-do list, consider ordering online.

COMMENT:  I've tried this one and have to say that my freezer, as well as my pantry is full.  This simply doesn't work for me.  Every time I go to the grocery store, even for just one or two items, I end up checking out the meats to see what's on sale.  I walk through the store, again checking to see what's on sale.  I've tried a shopping list but I have this problem with passing up a sale.  So for me it's best to go less often.  As for shopping on line, I'm actually getting into that just a little.  I've found that I can buy non-perishable items such as paper products and even items like coffee on-line cheaper and I don't even have to enter a store and spot all those 'sale items.'  So this is one that you'll have to ask yourself if it will fit your shopping personality.

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