Saturday, July 5, 2014

I Didn't Know That - Animal Protein and Soy Protein

I've never really eaten soy in any form, maybe because it just doesn't sound nor look that appealing.  But after reading this article I might have to start eating soy!

The basic differences between animal protein and plant proteins are:

Animal protein, in the form of meat, chicken, and fish, is complete all by itself, while vegetable proteins need to be combined with other foods to create complete proteins.  In other words, animal protein provides all the essential amino acids (protein building blocks) for tissue growth and repair, while most plant proteins do not.
But... Soybeans are unique because they are high enough in amino acids to provide adequate nutrition in the absence of meat and dairy products, and they are cholesterol-free and very nutrient-dense.  How do you obtain complete protein form vegetable sources?  Cultures around the world, from primitive to advanced, have known the answer to that question for ages; by combining beans with grains.  When consumed together, they provide all the necessary amino acids for complete protein.  Soy foods made this especially easy, since they synthesize more protein than any other type of bean or legume, especially when combined with wheat or rice.

Not only is Soy Cholesterol free but by including whole wheat flour, soy flour and other soy derivatives in your diet, you will automatically increase the amount of fiber that you need to maintain good health.  Plus most soy foods contain relatively low amounts of sodium.

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