Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fruit and Your Health - Part 6 - Oranges

After reading the information on these two sites, I plan on eating more oranges.

Nutrition - 1 medium fresh orange
Calories - 62
GI - low
Vitamin C - 92.9%
Fiber - 12.5%
Folate - 9.8%
Vitamin B1 - 9.1%
Potassium - 6.7%
Copper - 6.6%
Pantothenic Acid - 6.6%
Calcium - 5.2%

Health Benefits:
Vitamin C - is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, disarming free radicals and preventing damage in the aqueous environment both inside and outside cells.  Free radical damage to cellular structures and other molecules can result in painful inflammation, as the body tries to clear out the damaged parts.  Vitamin C is also associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. 

According to a report released in 2003 by Australian research, a diet high in citrus fruit provides a statistically significant protective effect against some types of cancer.  Citrus appears to offer the most significant protection against esophageal, orophayngeal/laryngeal (mouth, larynex and pharynx), and stomach cancers.  Studies showed risk reductions of 40-50%.  The World Health Organization's report concluded that a diet that featured citrus fruit offers protection against cardiovascular disease.  The CSIRO Report includes evidence of positive effects associated with citrus consumption in studies for arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment, Parkinson's disease, macular degenerative, diabetes, gallstones, multiple sclerosis, cholera, gingivitis, optimal lung function, cataracts, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Other Info on this site include:
Possible Cholesterol-Lowering Benefits
Compounds in Orange Peel May Lower Cholesterol as Effectively as Statin Drugs
Good Source of Fiber
Prevent Kidney Stones
Help Prevent Ulcers and Reduce Risk of Stomach Cancer
Protect Respiratory Health
Protect Against Rheumatoid Arthritis

Info from Sunkist

Why Citrus?
* Consuming the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that enhance one's total wellness through natural foods assures an optimal balance of nutrients, rather than running the risk of excess through the use of supplements.
*  Increased levels of stress suppress the body's immune function, and during these times many people tend to cuddle up with comfort food.  For this reason, it is especially important to feed stress-related cravings with healthy foods that help build the immune system.
*  The good news:  a healthy lifestyle - including diet - works well as preventative care for both men and women.  And the AHA urges prevention through choosing a diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits like oranges, that contain heart-healthy nutrients such as Vitamin C, folate, pectin, potassium and phytochemicals.
*  Studies show that eating 8 - 10 servings of fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure readings comparable to that seen with the use of high-blood pressure medication.
*  Studies show that people who eat fruit such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, and other whole foods tend to eat less at subsequent meals, compared to people who eat "lighter, more calorie-dense foods"  such as chips, snack crackers, dessert or candy.
*  Following a balanced diet that includes fruit, along with regular exercise will help bring weight down without jeopardizing your health.

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