Thursday, May 15, 2014

Recommended Power Foods - Part 3 - Garlic

Recommended Power Foods - Part 3 - Garlic
(Information from The Power of Food - Bonnie Raffel R.D., Author)

Garlic is a member of the lily or Allium family, which also includes leeks and onions.  Garlic's pungent odor is from sulfur compounds which are the source of many health benefits.  Garlic is considered to be an immunity boosting superstar and aids in fighting inflammation, benefits the heart, fights cancer, and has antibacterial/antiviral benefits.  When chopping fresh garlic, allow to sit a few minutes for the enzymatic process to reach its maximum potential.  Avoid microwaving or boiling garlic as whole cloves, due to decreasing the enzyme activity.  Raw garlic is more beneficial for our health than cooked or dried.  This is due to cooking decreasing the garlic's sulfur enzymes which lowers the antibiotic effect.  Try adding garlic 5 to 10 minutes, at the end of the cooking process for maximum benefit.  Other foods that contain these sulfur compounds are; cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, leeks, onions, and shallots.  Enhance your diet by adding minced garlic to pasta dishes, pizza topping, sauces, and soups.  Try making garlic bread topping with crushed fresh garlic and combine with olive oil, and other preferred seasonings.  Or create garlic mashed potatoes by adding roasted garlic and olive oil.

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